Addy's Adventures in Technology

Join me as I explore the ways technology can enhance learning.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I think that blogs can be a great tool for students to use. I think that in order for it to be "technology with a change" certain teaching strategies must be used. I think that the the constructivist inquiry based approach needs to be taken by the teacher. These methods believe that learning is an active process. Blogs allow students to interact with content. Students are able to respond and communicate with their peers. This keeps students active at all times during the lesson.
It would be hard to use "sage on the stage" or deductive. I often use both of these in my classroom. I do demonstrations for students for almost every project. In these parts of my lessons I am the one giving instruction and the students are watching. However, I think that by using all of the different strategies my lessons are more effective.

I would love to use blogs in my classroom to have students reflect on their own artwork, and their peers. It would be a great way for them to receive feedback. I think it would be great if they were put in groups and had to comment on their groups artwork after a project was complete. I would also like the community, parents, and other staff members to be able to comment on the student artwork. The students would feel very special to have people taking the time to comment on their artwork. We do a lot of written reflections on artwork and I think it would be wonderful place to write these. I would really like to purchase EdVoiceThread next year and become part of student groups all over the world. There students from all over can post on each others blogs.

Students could create a wiki to define art terms. They could be placed in groups and they have to define each of the terms. They would have to work together to share ideas, research on the internet, and agree on the idea they put down. This extra research might be more beneficial then me reciting definitions in front of the class. My only concern is how I will make sure everyone is involved. Maybe each student would be responsible for certain vocabulary words. Then we could get together as a class and discuss their findings.


  1. I really like the idea of using blogs in art for reflection. Having students post their artwork on their blog and allowing others to see it and comment on it is wonderful. I'm sure the kids feel special to see how much others enjoy their work. Great idea!!

  2. Great strategies! Another way to use blogs with your students would be to feature a famous artist each week/month and have the students comment on the artists style of painting, subjects, etc. The art dictionary you mentioned would be a wonderful way for students to become familiar with, extend their vocabulary, as well as demonstrating what they have learned.
